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Wings in the Air

Reunion Sentiment


Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

Reunion Sentiment

While the dining table is the hearth emanating the warmth of family gatherings, the tale of the flying spirits symbolizes the remanent of an empty nest from which every child in the family has embarked on their journeys. As the blue marble dining table quietly awaits every family member to return, the spacious floor plan and panoramic visuals embellish the family time. The flowing pattern on the masonry wall and the casually placed furniture speak of an orchestrated balance between movement and color, accentuated by the warmth from the feather-grey color tone and a gentle Morandi-color carpet and furniture.


餐桌是家庭的中心,團聚的符號。以此開始飛鳥的故事。轉眼間,父母眼中一個個蹒跚學步的孩子們已各自獨立,飛往世界各地拓展自己的領域。藍色水流紋理的大理石餐桌猶如太平洋上的礁岩,安靜的等待著一家人如候鳥般歸來重聚。開放式的空間規劃,除了視野上的寬闊, 無形中也增加了寶貴的家人相聚時光。石材墻優雅對稱的流水圖紋與傢俱的自由形式之間有著動與靜的完美平衡。以鳥羽灰色調為基底,襯托溫柔的莫蘭迪色系地毯和傢俱, 恰如久別重逢的熟悉溫度。

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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