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The Classics

Timeless Exquisite Luxury


Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

Timeless Exquisite Luxury

Much like a classic Chanel black cocktail dress complemented by a white pearl necklace, the interior is exuberant with exquisite texture and elegant spatiality. 
With classic beige and black as the base tone, interwoven with titanium-plated metal linework gridding the wall surface, the chandelier mimicking a classic pearl necklace shines in a spatiality of immaculate proportionality and refined craftsmanship and texture.


以經典米白和黑色作為基調,再編入鍍鈦金屬線條分割牆面,水晶燈如同經典的珍珠項鍊, 在完美的空間比例中自帶精工與華貴的肌理,豐盛而不失沉穩。

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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