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Taiwan Stock Exchange Center

Achieve the Peak


Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

Achieve the Peak

The Taiwan Stock Exchange executive floor comprises three main areas: the reception lobby, VIP reception hall, and a large conference room. These spaces are designed around natural and cultural elements, reflecting the company's unique elegance and heritage, rooted in humanistic warmth.
Reception Lobby: Situated in the iconic Taipei 101, the reception lobby features a minimalist design that uses overlapping light and shadow to create serene images of expansive mountain forests, floating clouds, flowing waters, and abstract herds of cattle.
VIP Reception Hall: Through an independent corridor, the VIP hall’s main wall is adorned with cursive calligraphy by renowned Taiwanese calligrapher Zhou Yue-Yun, displaying Li Bai’s "Spring Night Banquet at Peach and Plum Garden". Zhou's calligraphy, dynamic and lively, allows even those unfamiliar with Chinese to appreciate its vitality and energy. The poem’s grand and unrestrained theme, spanning time and space, conveys majesty and meticulousness, fitting the reception atmosphere and showcasing the nation’s unique cultural treasures.
Large Conference Room: The 166-square-meter multi-functional conference room is fully equipped with professional conferencing facilities and a dual-direction LED TV wall. The main conference table, excluding observer and inquiry seats, can accommodate 22-28 seats, meeting the requirements of large-scale international conferences.


台灣證券交易所董總樓層主要包含:接待大廳,貴賓接待廳 和大型會議室。三個空間皆以自然與文化的元素為軸心,在人文溫厚的底韻上展現企業獨有的素養與承傳。

左行通過獨立廊式門廳進入貴賓廳,大廳主牆以台灣書法大師周月雲的行草,書寫李白的 「春夜宴從弟桃李園序」, 周大師行筆靈動活潑,疏密有致,即使不諳中文的外賓,也可感受中國書法的動感與能量。 而以時空為跨度的序文內容更是大氣灑脫,在磅礡的意趣中不失主體的端整細緻。不但貼合宴客場景,也展現民族獨特的文化瑰寶。

166平方米的多功能大會議室,配有專業完備的視訊裝備和雙向LED電視牆。 不含旁聽和備詢席次, 主會議桌可容納22-28席次。滿足國際大型會議需求。

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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