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SERCOM Corp Suzhou Reception House

Finding Roots


Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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Finding Roots

As the Reception House of SERCOM Corp is located within its manufacturing complex in Suzhou Industrial Park in the vicinity of the old city precinct, it was established to receive valued guests or visiting professionals from overseas while serving as a training facility for its employees. As the spatial experience is designed to embrace the beauty of the culture of humanity, the visitors shall the inundated cultural underlay within the minimalist spatiality of the Suzhou reception house.


中磊電子股份有限公司的會所位於蘇州工業園區的廠區內,靠近老城區。會所功能是接待賓客或外籍工作人員,並兼具員工培訓機能。 設計體驗著墨於人文之美,讓訪客可以在短暫的造訪中感受蘇州會所在精簡的空間框架中,自在流露的文化底蘊。

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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