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Radio Media Service

Connectivity Via Sounds


Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

Connectivity Via Sounds

As a word, a sound, a song, and a consolidated generation give rise to an infinite sphere of influence, Radio Media Service brings alliance amongst industries through acoustic broadcasting to create infinite possibility.
As the imagery of RMS comes through in black, white, and gold tones, the symbolism of industries forming an alliance through sound and the energy sparkled articulate the significance of RMS’s drive in formulating the synergy of cross-industry collaborations. 
As the light guides one through the conceptual corridor infused with energy, three lines of classic motivation words gives insight into the corporate core values, relating to contemporary themes, and the heartfelt words. At the end of the corridor, the intertwined lighting strips amalgamate discourses of different professional realms in a way that was mimicked by the phrase scripted on the mirrored surface, “Togther, we can make a bigger impact!”
As the procession arrives at the founder conference room, the origin of many innovative thoughts and initiatives, this is where the thoughts brought by everyone oscillate and energized in the spatial context of artworks which is a liberating space where thoughts turn into words, plans, and a pursuit of the infinite possibilities.


一句話,ㄧ段聲波,一首曲,凝聚了一個世代,創造無限影響力。瑞迪廣告有限公司透過聲音廣播串聯不同產業合作,進而創造出無限可能性。在黑白金成穩的基調下活潑的光帶是瑞迪聲波的形象化。光帶穿梭於空間當中,圓形與長方形的屏風代表著不同產業,而這條聲波使兩不同產業產生交集,碰撞出火花。屏風散發出光影隱喻著瑞迪透過聲音促使產業發光。沿著光帶走入發想廊,在廊道中透過地板拼接注入活力,牆上聲音相關佳句給予同仁作為啟發。三個佳句分別帶領我們理解公司中心理念,現代時事議題,觸及內心的語錄。廊道的盡頭,光帶交互串連意味結合不同領域思維既可創造無限可能,就像鏡子上寫道:Togther we can make a bigger impact!

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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