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A Lake in Summer Forest


Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

A Lake in Summer Forest

As the assorted greenery, sunshine, cloud, and stars cascade down to the pool from the ground floor courtyard, the visual of the sky-blue pool turns into seamless refracted ripples.  Amidst the luscious summer greenery, the audio-visual room turns into a relaxing sanctuary for a drink at the bar in front of a good movie, of which the crafted ceiling serves as an acoustic enhancer for the immersive story-telling experience.


將一樓庭院的綠意,陽光,雲朵,繁星,透過天窗投下,豐富了整座泳池。天窗周邊的明鏡又以不同的角度避開了結構樑,延展了屋高的同時, 也將一池的湖藍折射成無邊的水波。置身影音室如走入夏日濃蔭中的浮光掠影中, 你可以在完全安靜的藍光的吧檯小酌一杯,然後把自己沉浸在最喜歡的影視情境中,造型天花不但巧妙的提升屋高,也隱藏了設備維修孔,不規則的壁面會吸附的不安分的殘響。你將被故事完全浸透

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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