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Synchronize with California / Los Angeles Freeway

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

Synchronize with California / Los Angeles Freeway

By adopting the inspiration of the freeway and LILLA’s brand ideology of bringing LA’s relaxed and leisurely lifestyle to Taiwan, the design is like a freeway creating a connection across the globe so customers can “enjoy the ride” in LILLA like in Los Angeles.
LA’s downtown style is expressed through the rusted bridge arches; the customized metal elements perfectly balance the weight and sophistication of the alternative industrial aesthetic.
The rusty brown arches above traverse with different shades of green and earthy grey framed a series of motions. The collaboration of different materials and geometries formed a vibrant echo with the creative cuisine without borders; it provides clear guidance and division regarding vision and space. In terms of circulation planning, the display area for the bakery section accompanied by an extended platform for take-away not only excites people with food display but also acts as a partition for take-away and dine-in customers.
The sunshine during the day and the neon at night each portray a unique spirit of Los Angeles. At this moment, in California sun shines through the branches and leaves like graffiti between cups and plates; this is a food proposition of fusion and innovation that conveys a relaxed and laid-back lifestyle, which embodies the concept of connection without borders.

車駕是洛杉磯生活不可或缺的元素 ,人與人的距離因Freeway 而拉近。以鏽色的橋拱書寫LA的下城風貌。
在動線規劃上, 入口處的烘焙展示區除了令人食指大動外, 也與外帶的長台分隔出走動與坐定的客群空間. 而橋拱銹棕色橫貫於于不同色階的綠蔭和大地灰之上,框定了一幀幀的動態影象,與無國界的創意料理形成活力十足的呼應,也在在視覺與空間上做了完美的導引與劃分.
白天的陽光與夜晚的霓虹, 各自側寫了洛杉磯的獨特精神。
此時,加州的阳光透過枝叶, 在你的杯碟之間隨性塗鴨,
這是一份傳達輕鬆悠閒,互融創新的飲食主張, 更是無國界連結的概念體現。

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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