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Cathay Postpartum Nursing Care Center

30 days of Nourishment

30 天培養皿

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

30 days of Nourishment

The "self-love" culture has revived, emphasising the importance of joyful experiences in any service offering.
Building upon the traditional Chinese culture of "postpartum care," we view the postnatal care centre as a high-end, refined nurturing environment and junction, transforming these thirty days into a process of advanced life metamorphosis. By integrating flexible and multifunctional spaces for mothers, we also cater to the needs of both fathers and infants while enhancing traditional services with an emotional, experiential journey.
Centred around the Oval Table design, we provide a space for caregivers at the postnatal care centre to impart knowledge on newborn care and create a comfortable environment for new parents to interact. This space allows novice parents to share their experiences and collectively tackle the challenges and difficulties of parenting.
In addition to professional maternal and infant care, the space design caters to the needs of other family members. For instance, the multifunctional conference room with smart-glass control protects the privacy of clients and celebrities and functions as an undisturbed "dad's temporary meeting room." The "First Born Play Area" provides an engaging space for older kids.
Each family member finds their place, facilitating a smooth transition into the new life stage. This environment also allows parents from the same community to rest or engage in discussions with peace of mind. Through sharing and learning, they cultivate a unique social network.

30 天培養皿

以 Oval Table 為中心設計,不僅提供月子中心照護人員教授新生兒護理知識的場所,同時為產後的爸爸媽媽們打造一個舒適的交流環境。這個空間旨在讓新手父母分享彼此的經歷,並共同面對育兒過程中的挑戰和困難。
除了專業的母嬰護理, 空間設計也滿足其他家庭成員的需求; 如電控玻璃的多功能會議室,除了保護客戶、名流的隱私,也是不受干擾的「爸爸臨時會議室」。「大寶遊戲區」為較大幼仔提供引人的活動空間。
一家人各得其所,新生活得以順利過渡。 更讓一同一族群的父母在此安心靜養或交流。 分享、學習,收穫一張獨特的人脈網絡。

Except where otherwise specified, most interior designs are created by Achievable Interior Design.

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